Class: The Rarest Luxury

If having class means conveying high quality, the greatest integrity, superior status, and exhibiting compelling style, how often do we see this today? If we adopt a classy approach to what we do, could that be a competitive advantage? I think so.

Consider for a moment what’s common. Is class common? Do you see what I see? Can you be classy when shouting? How about lacing your conversation with profanity? Is it classy to be combative and argumentative? How about using extensive slang? Can you be classy when you are dressed down, rather than dressed up? I suppose you can be classy in all these moments, but I would say this is not the best path. When it comes to class, if we don’t ask these questions of ourselves, and deliberately take action to express class in all we do, there is no chance our brand will be viewed universally as classy.

It is not easy to define what might be considered classy today. Often, I observe someone who projects class in their attire and grooming, but I’m startled by something they say or some other behavior they display. I am open minded, but I would say class is certainly not routine. In fact, it is probably quite rare today. It is why I encourage entrepreneurs and brands to think of classic luxury when shaping their market presence. There are significant clues as to how you might exude class in a world focused less on class. Entering 2023 with a game plan to raise the bar on your personal and corporate brand, and displaying class, can only produce rewards for you and your business.

Class and classic luxury mean erring on the side of something more traditional, more elegant, and dare I say, more polite. If those words – traditional, elegant, and polite – seem out of date to you, there is probably an urgent need to reconsider your approach. Define class in terms of behavior. I say at every turn you should convey to prospects and clients you are the highest-level version of your business category. You don’t do this by accident. It must be planned. What should your 2023 plan to convey class entail?

1. Tell a brilliant story.
Luxury marketing is largely about telling intriguing stories that create and heighten desire. Do this in your marketing, in your sales conversations, and about your brand continuously.

2. Say it better and often.
The well-turned phrase, the inviting description and offer, and the beautiful response and explanation should be pre-planned, pre-written, and rehearsed. Write and speak with eloquence, respect, and inspiration.

3. Look like a world leader or legend, never ordinary or like mass-market cool.
In luxury you want to lead in every way, and most definitely, in the way you look. When in doubt, go classic. Be careful about adopting trends in your look.

4. Charm from the beginning, through the end.
Engaging with you as someone representing a luxury brand should be like experiencing a master class in superior and stylish interaction and communication. Speak with a sense of romance.

5. Don’t use language your pastor or priest wouldn’t.
It seems everyone, of all ages, today, male and female, think four-letter words, should be used casually in conversation. They should not. Profanity is not classy. It is unnecessary.

6. Service abundantly.
Do it before they ask, and should your clientele make a demanding but achievable request, do it, without reservation. Delight your clients.

7. Be in the right place at the right time.
Physical presence is often required to demonstrably elevate the client relationship. Answer the telephone. Call clients back. Be there to welcome and to see them off. Be present to serve.

Need help with your 2023 Marketing, Sales, or Service plans? Write me: .

At Taylor Insight we help luxury and premier businesses excel and grow by attracting, retaining, and growing with affluent clients. We provide exceptional strategic, marketing, sales, and service guidance, and a portfolio of high-impact learning programs.


Andre Taylor

Advisory services, helping entrepreneurs globally with premier, luxury, and bespoke offerings, excel and grow.

In Luxury, Age Is Important


Every Sell Is a Tell